Adult Ministries

Adult Bible Fellowships – Sunday morning 9:30 AM
“ABF’s” are our Sunday Morning Bible Studies.

Currently we have 2 adult Sunday School Classes. One class meets in the main sanctuary and is led by Larry Aarsvold. It is comprised of both men and women. The other class (ladies only) meets in the library and is led by Marsha Aarsvold. Come and join one of these classes and have fun as we dig into God’s Word!

Women’s Ministries

  • Channels for Christ Ministry group with emphasis on missions and service projects.
  • Outreach Events and periodic activities for fun and growth.

Men’s Ministries

We meet the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 10:30 am at the church. We  pray, fellowship, and study the Bible. Men, come join us! 

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