
The First Baptist Church takes seriously God’s great commission of going into the world and making disciples. While most of us can not go personally outside “Jerusalem” to make disciples, as a church, we support a few missionaries.

Missionaries We Support:

Steve & Joann Carter, Tucson, AZ (serving w/ ABWE)

The Carters are involved in church planting, serving with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism.
E-mail: [email protected]
ABWE: www.abwe.org

Paul & Joyce Oetken, Comstock Park, MI (serving w/ CBM)

The Oetkens are involved as church builders, serving with Continental Baptist Missions. Paul Oetken attended First Baptist Kasson then became a missionary.
E-mail: [email protected]
CBM: www.cbmoffice.org

Larry & Jane Parks, Toledo, Spain (serving w/ ABWE)

The Parks’ are involved in church planting, serving with ABWE.
E-mail: [email protected]
ABWE: www.abwe.org

Rick & Brenda Naatz, Jos, Nigeria (serving w/ SIM)

Rick works in the lab at Evangel Hospital. He makes quality improvements for patient care and lab testing. He also teaches a shop class at Hillcrest School (int’l Christian school in Jos). Brenda is working in the SIM Jos office as the Travel Coordinator.
E-mail: [email protected]
SIM: www.sim.org

Bass Lake Camp, Winnebago, MN

Our church also supports in many ways and encourages people to serve at Bass Lake Camp, (MN Regular Baptist Camp — M.R.B.C.) www.basslakecamp.org

Bass Lake’s mission is to provide a spiritually challenging camping experience for people of all ages – “We want to glorify and uplift our Savior Jesus Christ and challenge our camper to walk closer to Him.”

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