Guide to Reopening
Guide for Reopening
Effective June 7, 2020
Guiding Principles
Through persistent prayer and in God’s timing, we will be regathering soon to worship and commune with God and our church family. With this decision to reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, it brings excitement for some and possible anxiety for others. Pastor and the Deacons recognize these emotions and have put together a well thought out plan for reopening that follows CDC and MN Dept. of Health recommendations, and overall what makes sense for our church and our members and attendees. The following are guiding principles that outline the mission of our approach for reopening:
No pressure to attend
- We understand that some may not be ready to return to in-person worship services based on their personal health considerations or circumstances and may take their time in returning to church. We also encourage that you monitor your health and do not attend church if you are not feeling well or if you are showing any signs of the Coronavirus. All of the pastor’s messages will continue to be live streamed through Facebook and recorded and posted on YouTube.
Take our time to get back to full operation.
- We will reopen in phases that adhere to CDC and MN Dept. of Health guidelines, and what makes sense for our church. There is no set timeline for how we will move through phases. Guidance from the MN Dept. of Health and CDC will help us move from phase to phase.
Adhere to capacity recommendations of 25%
- We will be creative to accommodate 25% of church capacity while using social distancing guidelines for seating people during the worship service and for moving around the church.
Strive to maintain a clean and contactless environment
- During this time of re-opening, there will be regular weekly cleaning and disinfecting of high contact areas. We will limit the use of church space for purposes of maintaining traffic flow and avoiding excessive contact. There will be hand sanitation stations placed throughout the foyer and library area.
Maintain social distancing throughout the church service
- In accordance with social distancing guidelines, we will strive to maintain 6 feet social distancing as best we can by designing traffic flows throughout the church service and use of the building. In particular, specified seating in the sanctuary and library area.
Facial Coverings
- Facial coverings such as face masks are optional for those who wish to wear them. CDC guidelines do encourage people to wear facial coverings when among groups of people both indoors and outdoors. This is a choice and not required by law.
Operation Logistics
Entering the church
- The main doors will be propped open for those to enter without touching the door handle. Church security will be responsible for closing the main doors 5 minutes after the start of the church service and then propping the doors open at the closing of the church service. Congregants will be directed to enter directly into the sanctuary or library for service and will be directed to their seat by an usher.
- Congregants needing to use the elevator will enter at the elevator entrance and will also be directed to the sanctuary or library for seating. Exiting the service and church building
- Ushers will dismiss congregants by rows starting from the back and working their way forward. Congregants will be directed to exit the church following the church service.
Church Service Logistics
- Bulletins: We will refrain from handing out paper copies for congregants. Electronic bulletins will be emailed to members and attendees to print out to bring with them to the church service. A PowerPoint slide(s) of the bulletin will be available during the services as well for people to follow.
- Hymnals: We will refrain from using church hymnals. All songs will be projected onto the big screen for people to follow.
- Offering: Offering will take place at the end of the service. Congregants can deposit their offering in the offering plates when they exit the sanctuary.
- Communion: On Communion Sundays, communion crackers and juice will be available for you to pick up when entering the sanctuary. Please bring your trash with you when you leave the church service and discard in designated garbage bins.
Phase One (starting June 7th)
FBCK Operation Level
- Church Service Only: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
- No congregational singing (but humming) during worship service
- No in-person Sunday School (resume in fall)
- No Church Fellowship Meals and Snacks
- No Children’s Church
- No Praise and Prayer Meetings
- Church is closed for community use
Phase Two
Please review the following links.
- CDC Guidance for Youth and Summer camps:
- Governor Walz Mask Mandate guidelines
- Governor Walz Emergency Executive Order 21-19
- Governor Walz Announces Timeline to End State COVID-19 Restrictions
Phase Three (starting TBD)
- FBCK Operation Level (specifics to be determined)
We are very thankful to God for our church body and look forward to seeing each of you!