Hope In the God Who Doesn’t Change
It’s been said that the only constant in life is change. As part of God’s created order, we are always subject to change, which is unavoidable. As the years go by and we grow old in years, change pervades every part of our lives. Everything around us changes – our relationships, jobs, emotions, residences, bodies, desires, plans and thoughts are in a constant state of flux.
Think about this with me – you and I have been changing since the very moment we were conceived. Everyday something about us physically is changing, and often our minds, emotions and will change as well. But this is not so with God. He is not different today than he was yesterday or when Abraham, Moses and Daniel were alive. Theologians call this “God’s Immutability” – meaning that He is perpetually and perfectly the same. Same God who has forever been doing amazing things for the history of the earth and beyond, is the same God who you and I interact with today. Same power. Same motives. Same goodness. Same everything, Glory to His name!
What difference does this all make?
• First, because God does not change, the Christian faith does not change
In a short letter Jude refers to the ‘faith once delivered to the saints’. In this context the word “faith” refers to the whole scope of Christian belief. The word “once” means “once and for all”. The revelation of God was full and complete in Jesus Christ. There is nothing to be added or taken from it.
What can we believe in today’s changing world–– what is “the faith once delivered”? It is that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, and all of us can come to God through Him. Strength is available to us all, and one day there will be the consummation of all things in Christ. Yes there is hope. If God never changes neither does the Christian faith.
• Secondly, if God does not change, ethical precepts do not change. Good remains good and evil remains evil. However much of the change in values has been drastic and disturbing to say the least. There has been no area of life more affected than the moral area, our life values. The result is confusion and inconsistency. Where will we turn? Well, let me suggest there is no better place than THE WORD OF GOD. …. His promises are YES AND AMEN – YOU CAN BUILD YOUR LIFE UPON THEM.
• Let’s turn now to a third unchanging factor – Because God does not change our ultimate hope does not change. 1Thesalonians 4:13-18
We are living in uncertain and in many ways frightening times. What tomorrow holds is anyone’s guess. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future, and I know one of these days, the Lord IS coming back, and what a day that will be! The Lord is going to make good on His promise.
Dear friends, in light of all these truths and promises, let’s lean on Christ with all we’ve got. He is Is The Rock, the changeless One in a changing world!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is skinking sand.