
  • This church has never made church membership the primary emphasis; insisting that the most important spiritual decision a person can make is to accept Jesus Christ personally as their Savior. However, when the heart is right with God, and the new-born Christian begins to pray, read and obey the Bible, baptism and church membership will be natural steps of obedience.
  • The First Baptist Church of Kasson joyfully invites and encourages all true believers who worship with us to consider throwing their lives wholeheartedly into the work God has given us as a church by becoming active members, so that together we might work to the honor and glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ whose coming to receive us unto Himself is our Blessed Hope. (I Thess. 4:13-18, I Cor. 15, Titus 2:13).

For more information on becoming a member, please make an appointment with our pastor.

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